Wednesday, March 25, 2009

第二章 - 廿二世『善元公』『和元公』是同一人吗?


细看廿二世, 先祖父和元公的名字并不在内,为何会如此呢?

隆元公只有两位兄弟即是善元和万元, 万元是我叔公,这么说来,善元应该是我先祖父呀, 可是我先祖父的名字是和元而非善元也。

过后, 经过一番探索研究,多方面征集资料,很肯定的推断:善元就是和元,原因如下:


据述, 先祖廿一世庆清公,中年时曾到过马来亚,并在当地娶妻生子建立家庭。赚到钱后,才回《禾昌下》建造【庆余楼】。 由于在家的张婆太性情刚烈,故庆清公不敢把马来亚的妻儿带回家乡, 而他本人也没再返马来亚。折衷的方法,只好叫在家的儿子返马来亚谋生。先祖父和元公极可能在这种情况下来到了当时的马来亚。

我们的推测, 为了想念祖乡《禾昌下》, 原名《和昌夏》,先祖父抵达马来亚后索性把名字从善元改为和元。其实,这只是一个猜测而已,有待证明。

据知, 文亮公下代,只有庆清公系有出国谋生的历史,其他系则无记载。


第一章 - 梅州寻根之路不易走

从梅州回来, 已差不多两年了。此篇记述, 迟迟未出炉, 只因有一些细节缺乏足够的资料, 必须向各方面求证, 以便达到确实完整的境界。

至今, 第廿一世先祖的资料还是有点迷糊, 不过很肯定的是,我所到过的《禾昌下》, 原名《和昌夏》,绝对是我先祖的发源地。



寻根,谈何容易。祖乡,对我来说,是多么的陌生,多么的遥远。手头上的资料,只有祖父墓碑上所刻着的: “梅县第廿二世”,及前辈,兄姐们说述的:广东省,嘉应州,梅县,松口,禾(荷)树下,龙芽,禾(和)昌(仓)。

其次,就是祖父共有三兄弟, 俩人来了南洋, 一人留在祖乡。

据述,祖父带着 祖母,同行者还有叔公,于清末时穿山过河, 越洋漂海, 几经万苦, 落足南洋,最终在霹雳州万岭埠,辟地开芭,伐木筑屋而定居下来。

祖父生二子一女。吾父排行第二,于一九零七年(丁末年)诞于霹雳万里望镇。日本鬼仔占领我国时, 与我母亲结为夫妇,并于一九四三年诞下大姐。我本身则于一九四九年(已丑年)在怡保出世, 上有三位姐姐, 一位兄长, 下有三位弟弟, 其中大弟年幼时意外身故。

一九五九年,先父不幸患上甲状腺癌,于阳历十一月十四日(农历十月十四)在太平政府医院不幸长辞, 享年五十二岁。据知,在他有生之年,从未踏足中国。



二零零七年八月中旬,突见某日报刊登雪隆嘉应会馆即将主办梅州团的新闻,心里兴奋无比, 毫无犹豫地, 立即前往会馆报名参加, 返乡寻根之愿即将实现也。


九月十六日,一团人在吉隆坡国际机场鱼贯登入马航班机,随即飞机冲入云霄,直奔广州白云机场, 寻根之路也随之开始。

离开白云机场, 登入由旅游社安排的旅游巴士,往梅州的方向奔驰, 半途在惠州市留宿一夜。惠州是我母亲的祖籍地。



九月十九日,寻根行动正式开始。 用过早餐后,步出酒店大门, 即见计程车已在大门外等候。司机是位杨姓的年轻人, 为人热心, 老实,诚恳及开朗。



抵达后,找了几位乡亲,皆不晓得禾(荷)树下 为何处,我顿时感到非常的失落及迷茫。 有位名为李分奎的热心老乡亲,不辞劳苦,从街头跑至街尾,到处为我打听询问,可惜也徒劳无功。在失望的情况下,我几乎要打退堂鼓了。

带着‘姑且一试’的念头作最后一击, 问李分奎乡亲是否有龙芽这地方。之前我不提这地名, 是因为若干人曾告诉我龙芽位于福建省。若我提出, 必会引起笑话。那知,当我提起龙芽时, 李分奎乡亲突然眼睛大放光彩,如镭射光似的对我大喊一声:“有啊!”

原来, 龙芽即是今日的隆文。在那儿, 更有一村为荷树下,今称木寨下。曾几何时,随着时代的变迁,地方也跟着易名。侥幸的,李分奎乡亲对这些老地方还存记忆,年轻的一群,那会有印象呢!龙芽啊!隆文啊!千呼万唤始出来。咱找你找得好辛苦呢!


九拐十八弯,上坡下岭, 翻越几许山丘, 渡过无数河溪,荷树下终于在望。


仁兄答曰: “何谓李家村?此地百姓皆李姓也,包括本人在内。”


仁兄遥指:“再往前走, 拐几个弯即到。”



《禾昌下》 - 李氏祠堂

《禾昌下》 - 李氏祠堂正面

终于到达禾昌围龙了。踏在祖乡的土地上,心里一阵激动。毕竟, 这是我先祖父出世,成长的地方。当年若不是时势所逼,何苦别乡离井呢!

默默地往祠堂走去。为了确认无误,细细地观察着枱上的几座神主牌。可惜,牌上的字幕都被香火燻得黑漆漆的, 但依稀还能见“十七世”,“李” 等字。心想, 我到底找对地方了吗?

对或错都好, 上把香吧, 反正都是李姓的祠堂。住在围龙屋的主人家,递来了一束香烛,供我焚香, 恭敬下跪磕拜。

拜毕,向主人家借阅族谱,可惜他未拥有, 只得向一位住附近的亲戚借来。主人家热心的招待我们进入大厅用茶。

细阅族谱, 未见祖父之名,大失所望, 心里头顿时萌起怀疑‘找错了’的意识。

主人家非常热忱。他吩咐其夫人从屋后仓库搬出三块墓碑, 都是文革时为了预防被破坏而挖掘出来收藏的。墓碑铺满一层厚厚的垢泥。经过一番洗刷, 风干, 墓碑上所雕刻的字也显现出来了。

其左侧是:公?献?生庆清;男 隆·善·万 元
其右侧是:孙 富·俊 兴; 曾孙 增 祥

咦! 我听说过叔公的 名字是万元啊。
咦! 孙: 富兴,俊 兴, 而我父亲是应兴,伯父鸿兴, 都是兴字辈呀。
哎呀!曾孙: 增 祥, 而我是庆祥, 祥字辈也。
还有, 主人家的名字是汉绮,是增祥的儿子, 而我大堂哥永祥的孩子们都是汉字辈呢。

据汉绮所述, 他曾听前辈说过, 隆元公有两位兄弟去了南洋而失去了联络。

祖乡啊! 我终于找到了。


《禾昌下》 祖居虽残旧破烂, 但属于稀有的两层楼围龙屋,因此可想像到当年的旺盛繁华。

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dissolution of VILASURI, the only Residents Association of Villa Laman Tasik

Villa Laman Tasik, view from the lake.

Being the first chairman of the Residents Association of the Villa Laman Tasik, Bandar Sri Permaisuri Kuala Lumpur (VILASURI) in the year 2001-2003, I was indeed very disappointed and sad that VILASURI was finally dissolved during the AGM on the 8 March 2009. Those residents who voted for the dissolution gave the following reasons:

1. Since there was a Joint Management Committee (JMC) that takes care of the welfare of the residents, there is no necessity for a duplicated body.

Have they failed to understand that VILASURI and JMC are two very different bodies by itself?

VILASURI was registered with the Registrar of Societies, while formation of JMC was compulsory under the Strata Title Act.

Membership for VILASURI was opened to all Malaysian citizens (owners and tenants) above the age of 18 residing in Villa Laman Tasik, while JMC only represent the house owners.
(Limited to 1 owner of each house under the Act 663 article 14 (5) joint purchasers shall not be entitled to vote except by way of a jointly appointed proxy)
So, without VILASURI, who looks after the affairs of the non-owner residents.

If we read through the Act 663 under section on Duties and powers of Joint Management Body, JMC deals more with the day to day administrative functions on maintenance and development of the property, while for VILASURI, its main aim was to carry out social, educational, recreational and cultural activities of the members.

2. Less and less members paid up their annual subscriptions.

How many on earth will voluntarily stepped up to you and make a payment which was only RM10.00 annually? Had the treasurer and the committee members made an effort to collect subscriptions? During my time, the committee members knocked on their neighbours’ doors for the subscription collection. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to Molly, who had to listen to so much fuss and scolding from a particular neighbour before he made his subscription payment.

3. Members did not participate actively in social activities.

Don’t blame the members and residents. Stop pointing fingers at them. Ask yourself, how many committee members came for this so call family day in Taman Rimba Ampang? Only my family, S M Chan’s family and the organizer Judy Tan’s family participated. Where were the Chairman and his committee members? If you yourself don’t support your own activity, do you expect others to support you?

The only 2 kids participated in the family day in Taman Rimba Ampang

Look back during my time, we have a lot of overwhelming family social activities, like trip to Bidor/Telok Intan, Kuala Selangor, Paya Indah Wetland in Dengkil.
Children had good time playing while the adults enjoying fruits offered by a member whose hometown was in Bidor

While inside the compound of Villa Laman Tasik, we had Chinese New Year celebration with lion dance going round the whole compound. For this activity, I had very pleasant memory on the preparation works carried out by the members and their spouses.

The Lion Dance and the Calligraphy writing

The Club House was packed with crowds; Our invited guests celebrating together

Moon Cake festival celebration was organized in the year 2002 with Datuk Tan Chai Ho, the MP cum Deputy Minister then as our VIP in attendance. Special thanks and appreciations to Mr. Ng C J, who had helped to pick up the moon-cakes and drinking water, and transported them all the way to the clubhouse. Can you imagine the weight of the cakes and water that applied to an aged retiree?
Having a chat and light refreshment with Datuk Tan Chai Ho

Members and their families also participated actively in activities outside the Villa. One good example was the anti drug abuse activity organized by the PEMADAM in Kampong Cheras Baru.

While Chung was explaining the pictures at the exhibiting board to his children, a reporter took a photo of it, and published it the next day in the Newspaper.

Members attending the anti drug abuse campaign officiated by Tan Sri Dato' Michael Chen

Some other avtivities included:

Recycle campaign

Buffet at Grand Seasons Hotel

Nothing is permanent. VILASURI had finally comes to an end for the above reasons described by the last VILASURI committee, or whatever reasons that were not revealed.

VILASURI, was like my lover who jilted me, diminishing from my tears-filled eye sight, but left a lot of sweet and sour memories in my heart. VILASURI, I love you, forever and ever….

To end this, I like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciations and thanks to:

Judy Tan, a very dedicated and efficient secretary. Her English scored A1++. Many a time I had difficulties in understanding the vocabularies she used (Many a time, I pretended that I understood). I like the way she giggled, very melodious like a garden bird. But, don’t play a fool with her, when came to negotiations with the developer and management company (DMSSB), she was real serious and never gave a slightest chance. I salute the man behind her, Patrick, who had silently and unanimously supported her in helping to run the VILASURI.

Chung Y T, our Treasurer. Efficiency was his greatest point. Besides, he was a very active, friendly and knowledgeable man. He moved out of Villa Laman Tasik recently. Nowadays, every time I passed by his house, I recall the day he invited us to his house for X’mas, not forgetting his wife’s superb cooking, which were so delicious. I also love to see his hydroponic vegetables at his backyard.

Ng C J, top class vice chairman. We called him Penghulu of Villa Laman Tasik. As the only committee member who did not need to punch in and out at work place, he had helped out a lot in many things. He seems to know everything that happened in the Villa Laman Tasik, examples like the water pipe burst in which place; the landslide occurred around lake view area; which house was flooded during the recent heavy rain; snake entered which house etc. He had good hospitality. Many times we had pot-luck gathering, festival gathering in his house. I cannot forget him wearing the Indian costume during the Chinese New Year.

S M Chan, the Deputy Chairman. Quiet but everything is in his hand, having vast knowledge over housing management. As far as I remembered, he never missed any committee meeting. He was indeed my very good advisor in dealing with housing matters with the DMSSB and the developer.

While for S H Chan, due to his nature of work, where he needed to travel overseas often, he missed quite a few times of the meetings, but when he appeared, everyone would be suddenly became lively, because he could bring in a lot of jokes and humorous statements that made us laugh and laugh. The nights were always young with him around. We could continue our happy hours at the Stephen’s Corner in Pandan Indah, recommended by him.

Never forget others like Thomas, Alex, the late Haji Idris, Haji Arshad, Miss Thong (our sweet young sister), Molly, Goh N S, Haji Yusof, Zaidi……and many others, where I couldn’t describe in detail one by one. They had given me such memorable and nice time during my office as the Chairman of the VILASURI. Together we met, we laughed, we negotiated with the tough giants (that’s what they thought, but to us, they were nothing more than just a mere supplier of shelters where we paid for) without fear, we jointly inspected areas within and around our homes, we had fun together, we jokes on each other, we enjoyed the fellowship, and finally, I bided farewell for some personal reasons.

Closing note:

[Whisper] VILASURI, I love you, and now I miss you. I know you are gone forever, you’ll never come back again. But I have to face the fact. I have to abide the majority’s decision.

VILASURI, my sweet heart, you are always in my mind.