Monday, March 1, 2010

Birding at Lukut, Port Dickson

There is a stream in Lukut, seldom visited by human, is a good place for birds life. A reasonably good stretch of laterite road runs along the stream, and I use to bird watch from my 4WD.

The water of this stream is quite clear and sufficient food-supply for avi friends.

I was welcomed by the White Breasted-Waterhen with 2 juveniles. So cute.

The weather was extremely hot, a lot of birds came for a shower and good sip of cool fresh water.
Javan Myna had a good time. They were joined by a single Pied-Fantail, but unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of it.

A flock of Scaly-Breasted Munia also came for a cool bath. They stayed for quite a while
I was lucky to see 2 other species of munias, i.e., White-Headed Munia,

and Black-Headed Munia.

Another pic. of Black-Headed Munia.

A pair of Little Egrets had good time feeding.

A pretty one flew by.A number of waders dropped by, which included this Wood Sandpiper (I think. I'm no good in waders id.)

A common Kingfisher was still around, maybe need a good meal before heading off to its homeland. It waited patiently for its prey.
Another picture of it.

Water Monitor Lizard was commonly seen here.

It retreated after noticing me.

By the roadside, a Paddy-Field Pipit made its appearance.

and a lot of Blue-Tailed Bee-Eaters. Surprisingly, according to my record, I had not seen any Blue-Throated Bee-Eater here before.
This Changeable Hawk-Eagle is very productive. It built its nest here almost every year.

A crested Serpent-Eagle perched high on tree.

Just before I left, a Stork-Billed Kingfisher came right in time to bid farewell.

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